As the world of web development is in a permanent state of flux, any website you create will need inspections, support, and upgrades on an ongoing basis.

At a bare minimum, any live WordPress website will need to have its plugintheme and WordPress core files updated relatively regularly to ensure that the intricate workings of the website are kept in order.

Websites that are not updated regularly are a living, breathing nightmare, filled with growing file inconsistencies and potential code conflicts. Leaving a website alone without running file package updates can cause an entire site to crash, resulting in a loss of content.

Second to updates, websites really should be backed up on a regular basis. In the event that something goes wrong, a back up of the website’s files and database can easily be reinstated.

These services take time and command a certain level of expertise.

On the customer-facing side, imagine a website as a shop front. A well-maintained shop front attracts people to come closer and look at the product. A neglected shop front makes the product look shabby and discourages trust. That’s why we also assist businesses to keep their online image up-to-date.

Neglect can take different forms: from outdated contact information, staff pictures and service offerings to download material, which has passed the due-by date. Visitors to your site immediately sense the neglect and move on to one of your competitors.

We offer a once-off website clean up or an ongoing weekly or monthly website maintenance service. We keep your website up-to-date.

Website maintenance includes the following:

  • Site software updates
  • Full site backups (both files and database)
  • Update images
  • Add new products and services
  • Update pricing information
  • Post engaging blog posts and articles
  • Broken link analysis and repair
  • Add functionalities
  • Social Media Updates
  • Add menu tabs
  • Optimise search engine meta data
  • Add pages
  • Fix spelling errors
  • Update e-brochures
  • Update themes and plugins

Our marketing service is straightforward and perfect for entrepreneurs and small businesses without in-house marketing department. You simply email us your website maintenance needs and we update your website for you. A well-maintained, well-loved website increases lead conversion and ultimately revenue.

Maintenance packages start at R500 per month which include 2 website updates and a free module update check.

Contact us if this solution fits your requirements or if you have any other questions.